Passage: Samba Julde ka saare (Samba Julde in town)

Samba Julde doesn’t know the town very well; he will use his direction skills to make it to the most famous restaurant.


Sammba Julde hewtii ka saare. Himo yaade ka restoran. Kono o anda saare nden fota . Restoran on no ka yaltirdu saare; fi yahugol ton, himo foti jettude laawol mawngol gol haan ka l’opitani ontuma o sela sengo nano. O jettay ngol haan ka yeehobe mango. Si o ndaarii fud – naange O yi’ay pakka kirin ka sera hubeere mawnde; yeeyoowo kirin on no andi jooma restoran on. O hollay Sammba Julde ka restoran on fewtiri.

Passage Translation

Sammba Julde arrived in town. He is going to the restaurant. But he doesn’t know the town very well. The restaurant is located at the end of the town; to go there, he must take the main street until he gets to the hospital; then he will turn right. He will follow that one until he arrives at the mango seller’s. If he faces East he will see a charcoal seller’s stand next to a huge building; the charcoal seller knows the owner of the restaurant. He will show Sammba Julde where the restaurant is located.