UNIT 10 ISI NKE IRI Mpakala Ahụ na ikwu maka ahụ mgbu (Body parts and expressing body hurt.)

At the end of this lesson, learners should be able to: 1. Memorize the Igbo names for the parts of the body. 2. Express sickness or pain in these parts of the body. 3. Form plural from words or singular

Just as memorizing the igbo alphabets are crucial for the beginner, so is memorizing the igbo names for the human body parts. Down the road in this class, we will be talking about visiting the hospital so it is vital to talk about the body parts so that we can be able to tell the doctor about our pains. There are certain parts of the body which are not openly talked about or their names mentioned in public so as not to be branded as profane.. Idiomatic expressions are used for these parts.

Lesson Vocabulary

Lesson Vocabulary

Ahụ Body
Ahụ adighi To be sick or not to be well
Ahụ ịdị To be well
Akpa maamịrị urinary bladder
Akpa nwa Uterus
Akpịrị Throat
Akpụkpọ ahụ Skin
Akwara Vein
Amụ Penis
Dịka Like
Ifụ ụfụ To hurt
Igbirigbe ọnụ Lips Igbirigbe ọnụ
Igbu mgbu To pain
Ihe Something
Ime Inside
Inwe To have
Inye To give
ịsa ahụ To wash body
Mkpụmkpụ Short
Mpakala Parts or branches
Nile All
Nje Germs
ọbara Blood
Ogologo Tall
ọgwụ Medicine
ọkpụkpụ Bone
Omume Character
Onye ọgwọ ọrịa Doctor
Onye ọrịa Sick person
ọria Sickness
Ọtụ Vagina
ọtụtụ Many
ụbọchị Day
ụfọdụ Some
Ukwu Waist
ụlọ ọgwụ Hospital

Lesson Conversation:

Nne na Nna Nna na agwa Nne na ahụ adighi ya Nne visits Nna and finds him sick
Nne Nna, kedu? Nna Hello?
Nna Ọ dighi mma. It is not good.
Nne Kedụ ihe na eme gị? What is wrong with you?
Nna Ahụ adighi m I am not well.
Nne Kedụ ihe na eme gi? What is wrong with you?
Nna Aka m na-agba ọbara, m nwe mgbu na otu anya m, ụkwụ m abụọ zara aza My hands are bleeding, I have pain in one of my eyes, my Two legs are swollen)
Nne Ewoo!!, ọ na afụ gi ụfụ nke ukwụụ?( Ewoo!!, does it hurt you too much?
Nna Chei, emetula ya aka. Ọ na-afụ m ụfụ, ọ na egbu m mgbu… Chei!!!. Do not touch it. It is hurting me, it is paining me…) Nne:
Nne Ndo. Sorry
Nna Daalu Thanks
Nne ị ṅụrụ ọgwụ? Did you drink any medicine?
Nna Mba No
Nne Anyị ga aga ụlọ ọgwụ kita We will go the hospital now
Nna Mba. No
Nne Isi, ọ na awa gi? are you having a headache?
Nna Eeee. Yes
Nne Ṅụọ ọgwụ a. Drink this medicine
Nna Ooooooo. Ooooooo.

Lesson Monologue

John na ekwu maka mpakala ahụ ya. (John is talking about the parts of his body)

Aha m bụ John Okeke. M ga-agwa unu maka mpakala ahụ m. M nwe otu ahụ. M na asa ahụ m ụbọchị nile. M nwe anya abụọ, ụkwụ abụọ, otu isi, otu afọ, otu azụ, aka abụọ, ntị abụọ. M nwe ọtụtụ ihe di na ime ahụ m dika umeju, ịgịrị afọ, obi na ihe ndi ọzọ. Ntutu isi di na isi m. Ọnụ m dịka ọnu nne m, aka m dịka aka nna m. Ụkwụ m toro ogologo, mkpịsị aka m suru mkpumkpu. Mụ na nwanne m nwoke nwe afụ ọnụ. Ahụ m mara mma nke ukwuu

My name is John Okeke. I am going to tell you all about my body parts. I have one body. I wash my body every day. I have two eyes, two legs, one head, one stomach, one back, two hands, two ears. I have a lot of things in my body like liver, intestines, heart and other things. Hairs are on my head. My mouth looks like my mother’s mouth, my hands look like my father’s hands. My legs are tall, my fingers are short. My brother and I have beards. My body is very beautiful.

Ikwu na ahụ adịghi mmadụ (Expressing sickness) Mụọ okwu ndi a (learn these expressions)

1. isi na awa m 2. ṅụọ ọgwụ 3. ịza aza 4. ịgba ọbara 5. mgbu 6. anya na egbu m 7. afọ na arụ m 8. M na agbọ agbọ 9. Eze na egbu m 10. Ụkwụ m za aza

I have a headache. drink medicine. to be swollen. to bleed. pain. I have eye pain. I have upset stomach. I am vomiting. I have a tooth ache. my legs are swollen.

Lesson Note

Grammar Notes


1. Kedụ aha onye nọ na akụkọ a?
2. Ụkwụ ole ka John nwe?
3 Ọnụ John dịka nke onye?
4. Aka John dịka nke onye?
5. Kedụ ihe dị na ime ahụ John?


1. Kedụ ihe na eme Nna?
2. Onye biara na ụlọ Nna?
3. Onye kwuru “Ọ na afụ gi ụfụ”?
4. Gini na egbu nna mgbu?
5. Mgbe ahụ gi na egbu gi mgbu ma ọ bụ afụ gi ụfụ, kedụ ihe i na eme?

Otu na ọtụtụ (singular and plural). There is no special way to show plural in Igbo language.We simply use “nwa” and “onye” when we talk about people to show singular (otu) and “ndị” and “ụmụ” for plural (ọtụtụ). Personal pronouns are also used to indicate

Singular Plural
Otu Ọtụtụ
Nwa ụmụ
Onye ndị
M/mụ anyị
gị/i/ị unu
Ya/o/ọ ha

Example :
Onye ahịa ndị ahịa.
Onye bekee ndị bekee.
Onye ohi ndị ohi.
Onye eze ndị eze.
Onye nkuzi ndị nkuzi.

“Nwa” (child) and “ụmụ” (children) are often used when we talk about anything that can reproduce. E.g.
Nwa mmadụ ụmụ mmadu.
Nwa nwanyị ụmụ nwanyị.
Nwa ọkụkọ ụmụ ọkụkọ.
Nwanne ụmụnne.
Nwa akwụkwọ ụmụ akwụkwọ.

Note: Whenever, we use these words in a sentence, we are signifying plural:
ụfọdụ = Some
Ọtụtụ. = Many
Imirikiti. = Many
Nile. = All
Ole ma ole = few
Ha ncha. = All

Example :
1.Ọtụtụ mmadu biara na ụlọ m. ( many people came to my house.)
2. Ha nile di oji. (all of them are black.)
3. imirikiti ka a chọrọ mana ole ma ole ka ahọtara. (many are wanted but few are chosen)

Whenever we use numbers more than one, we are signifying plural.
1.Ji ise dị na ahịa.(five yams are in the market)
2. Ụlọ abụọ di na obodo m.(there are two houses in my town)

When a noun or word is used more than once, it signifies plural.
1. Ọhịa ahụ bụ agwọ agwọ.(that forest is filled with snakes)
2. ebe a bụ mmadụ mmadụ.(this place is filled with people)


Lesson Exercise

    Ihe omume (Exercises)

    1. Say that the following parts of your body below hurts or you are sick at the following parts of your Body.

    a. Aka……………………………………

    b. olu……………………………………..

    c Azụ……………………………………

    d. ntị…………………………………………….

    e. imi…………………………………………..

    f. ụkwụ……………………………………….

    g. eze………………………………………….

    h. anya……………………………………….

    i. agba……………………………………..

    j. afọ………………………………………..


    2. Do this activity with a friend. Hold a part of your body and ask your friend to say its name in Igbo. Reverse roles until all parts of the body has been dealt with.


    3. Translate the following into Igbo.

    a. I have two hands.

    b. My head hurts.

    c. I have pains on my legs.

    d. Obi drank medicine.

    e. Give him water to drink his medicine.

    f. Ada has one eye, two legs and two hands.

    g. My mother gave Chike medicine.

    h. Amara’s body is beautiful.

    i. I have a long hair.

    j. My two eyes are swollen.


    4. Translate the following singular sentences into plurals. The boldfaced are to be changed.

    a. Nwa nwanyị nọ na ụlọ ahụ.

    b. Kedụ onye bụ ihe ahụ?

    c. M gara ahịa taa.

    d. ị gbara ọsọ?

    e. Onye nkuzi nyere nwa akwụkwọ ego.

    f. Nwa agbọghọ gbara egwu na ahịa.

    g. Ọ mụrụ nwa ụbọchị abụọ gara aga.

    h. Onye isi nyere ya nri.

    i. Nwa ewu na nwa nkita bụ anụmanụ.

    j. otu mmadụ nọ na Amerika.


    5. Label the parts of the body indicated in the picture below in Igbo (Try it without your notes)


    6. Write down the English equivalent of the labeled picture below.