By the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to: 1) know the Igbo names of animals. 2) Have a discussion in Igbo about animals, the ones loved and the ones not so loved. 3) Able to have a conversation about a “trip to the zoo.”

We love animals, just the same way that we love other aspects of life. Some animals have grown to be our pets and friends, living in the same houses with us, others, we raise in our barns for food and other domestic purposes. The wild animals are left in the forests or caged in the zoo for recreational purposes. This yields money for the society. The dog especially plays an important role in the Igbo households. It provides adequate security for its Igbo family owners by barking and alerting them that an intruder is at hand. Sometimes the dog fights off the intruder alone, other times it gets help from its owners.

Lesson Vocabulary

Lesson Vocabulary

Anụmanụ Animal
Ahụhụ Insects
Anụ Meat
Anụ ndi na amụ ụmụ Mammals
Anụ ọhịa Wild animals
Anụ ụlọ Domestic animal
Nnụnụ Birds
Onye na elekọta anụmanụ Zookeeper
Ụlọ anụmanụ Zoo

Lesson Conversation:

Question Amara, ọ gara na ụlọ anụmanụ? Did Amara go to the zoo?
Answer Ee, ọ gara na ụlọ anụmanụ. Yes, she went to the zoo
Question Kedụ ihe Amara hụrụ ebe ahụ? What did Amara see there?
Answer Ọ hụrụ anụmanụ dị iche iche She saw different animals
Question Ọ hụrụ anụmanụ ebe ahụ? Did she see animals there?
Answer Eee, ọ hụrụ anụmanụ ebe ahụ Yes, she saw animals there?
Question Ọ hụrụ ego ebe ahụ? Did she see monkey there?
Answer Mba, ọ hụghị ego ebe ahụ No, she did not see money there

Lesson Monologue

Amara na-ekwu ihe ọ huru na ụlọ anụmanụ (Amara is talking about what she saw at the zoo).

Ndewoo, aha m bụ Amara.A biara m ezumike na Legọs nke di na ime obodo Naijiria.E nwe ọtụtụ ihe na-enye mmadu obi aṅụri na Legọs dịka ịga ụlọ anụmanụ.Echi gara-aga, a gara m na ụlọ anụmanụ na ebi nke a na-akpọ “zoo” na bekee.A hụrụ m ọtụtụ anụmanụ bi na ime ya dika ụfọdụ ndi e dere na elu akwụkwọ a. A hụkwara m ọtụtụ nnụnụ dị iche iche dịka ụfọdụ ndị e dere na elu.Anụmanụ nile ndị a nwere ụmụ nọdebere ha.I ga-ekwu “nwa” maka otu anụmanụ. “Ụmụ” maka abụọ ma ọ bụ karia. Ọtụtụ ezi na ụlọ biara ịhụ anụmanụ dị iche iche.Ụfọdụ biara ịjụ ndị ọrụ na ụlọ anụmanụ ajụjụ maka ụdị anụmanụ di iche iche.

Hello, my name is Amara. I came on a vacation to Lagos in Nigeria. There are a lot of things that give people pleasure in Lagos like going to the zoo. Yesterday, I went to the house where animals live which is called “zoo” in English. I saw a lot of animals that live in it like some of the ones written above. I also saw a lot of different kinds of birds like the ones above. All these animals have little ones sitting next to them. You would say “nwa” for one animal. “Ụmụ” for two or more. A lot of families came to see different kinds of animals. Some came to ask the workers questions about different kinds of animals.

Lesson Note

Grammar Notes


A. Kedụ ihe ịhụ? (What did you see?) M hụ otu oke na otu nwamba. (I saw one rat and one cat.) (Number + subbject) Chimma hụ oke abụọ na ewu iri. (Chimma saw two rats and ten goats.) (subject + Number) B. Onye gara na ụlọ anụmanụ? (Who went to the zoo?) Onye mbu gara na ụlọ anụmanụ. (The first person went to the zoo.) (subject + Number) Onye nke abụọ gara ụlọ akwụkwọ. (The second person went to the school.) (subject + Number


A. Kedụ ihe ịhụ? (What did you see?)
M hụ otu oke na otu nwamba. (I saw one rat and one cat.)
(Number + subbject)
Chimma hụ oke abụọ na ewu iri. (Chimma saw two rats and ten goats.)
(subject + Number)
B. Onye gara na ụlọ anụmanụ? (Who went to the zoo?)
Onye mbu gara na ụlọ anụmanụ. (The first person went to the zoo.)
(subject + Number)
Onye nke abụọ gara ụlọ akwụkwọ. (The second person went to the school.)
(subject + Number


A. Kedụ ihe ịhụ? (What did you see?) M hụ otu oke na otu nwamba. (I saw one rat and one cat.) (Number + subbject) Chimma hụ oke abụọ na ewu iri. (Chimma saw two rats and ten goats.) (subject + Number) B. Onye gara na ụlọ anụmanụ? (Who went to the zoo?) Onye mbu gara na ụlọ anụmanụ. (The first person went to the zoo.) (subject + Number) Onye nke abụọ gara ụlọ akwụkwọ. (The second person went to the school.) (subject + Number

Lesson Exercise

    1. Kedụ ebe Amara gara echi gara aga?
    2. Gini ka a na-akpọ ebe ahụ na bekee?
    3. Kedụ ihe Amara kwuru na ọ hụrụ ebe ahụ?
    4. Depụta ụfọdụ ihe ndi ọ hụrụ ebe ahụ.
    5. Kedụ ihe ụfọdụ ezi na ụlọ bịara ime na ụlọ anụmanụ ahụ?

    1. Make sentences with these words:

    a) Egbe ____________________________________________
    b) nkịta ____________________________________________
    c) ewu _____________________________________________
    d) ọdụm ____________________________________________
    e) ahụhụ ____________________________________________
    f) nwamba __________________________________________
    g) ọsa ______________________________________________
    h) torotoro __________________________________________
    i) udele ____________________________________________
    j) ugoloma __________________________________________


    2. There are up to 15 question sentences in this “mix and match” box. Match the correct question sentences and write out 10 of them.
    unu ga eje na ụlọ anụmanụ.



    ga eje Lagos echi?
    na ụlọ nwanne unu nwoke
    ịzutara nne ụnụ nri na ahia
    ịhụ nwanyị ahụ siri nri
    na ụlọ anụmanụ


    3. Write these words in Igbo

    Bekee (English) Igbo
    a) cassava _______________
    b) beans _______________
    c) neck _______________
    d) nwoke _______________
    e) ụmụnne _______________
    f) onye nkuzi _______________
    g) ụlọ ụka _______________
    h) ogologo _______________
    i) ịhunanya _______________


    4. Write 20 sentences about a trip to the zoo.


    5. Change these sentences into interrogation sentences:

    a) O jere ahia-
    b) O ga-abia echi-
    c) O chọrọ ọkụkọ ise-
    d) Ha siri nri ehihie-
    e) O tiri ya ihe na isi-
    f) Anyi nụrụ mmiri na ụlọ ya-
    g) O gburu oke n’ụlọ ya-
    h) Ha chọrọ akwụkwọ ahụ-
    i) O rere azụ ndi ahụ na ahia-
    j) O gbara ọsọ na ụlọ akwụkwọ ha-


    6. Translate these sentences into Igbo

    a) My brother is a student at Harvard University. ____________________________________________
    b) My mother and my father went to Abuja yesterday. ________________________________________
    c) My sister is tall. ____________________________________________________________________
    d) She has four friends, one is her sister, and the other is her brother. _____________________________
    e) I am going to school. _________________________________________________________________
    f) Many people came to the zoo today. _____________________________________________________
    g) He wanted to go to the market to sell rice, beans, and fish. ____________________________________
    h) Obi is running to go to the zoo. __________________________________________________________
    i) We saw a lot of animals and people at the zoo in the morning __________________________________