Fractions (nchipụ) and percentages

Fractions (nchipụ) and percentages and Ugboro (Frequency)

Fractions in Igbo are first expressed by saying the denominator first and then the nominator. E.g. 2/10 is said as “iri chịpụ abụọ”. The exception is ½ which is simply “ọkara”.Percentages in Igbo are also written the same way as fractions. A percentage is a fraction with the denominator as 100. Therefore, 2% is 2/100 which is written as “nari chịpụ abụọ”. Frequency indicates the number of times something occurs. We use this by simply putting the word “ugboro” before the number. Note : For “once” or “one time,” the number comes before the frequency and reverses for the rest.

Lesson Vocabulary

Lesson Vocabulary

Lesson Conversation:

Lesson Monologue

Lesson Note

Grammar Notes

Fractions in Igbo are first expressed by saying the denominator first and then the nominator. E.g. 2/10 is said as “iri chịpụ abụọ”. The exception is ½ which is simply “ọkara”.


1. ¾ anọ chịpụ atọ

2. 1/10 iri chịpụ otu

3. 5/6 isii chịpụ ise

4. 8/10 iri chịpụ asatọ

5. 9/10 iri chịpụ itolu


Percentages in Igbo are also written the same way as fractions. A percentage is a fraction with the denominator as 100. Therefore, 2% is 2/100 which is written as “nari chịpụ abụọ”.


1. 7% - nari chịpụ asaa.

2. 10% - nari chịpụ iri

3. 20% - nari chịpụ iri abụọ.

4. 45% - nari chịpụ iri anọ na ise

5. 99% - nari chịpụ iri itolu na itolu
“100%” then would be “nari achịpụghi ihe”.


Ugboro (Frequency)


Otu ugboro = Once, ugboro iri na otu = Eleven times

Ugboro abụọ = twice, ugboro iri na abụọ= twelve times

Ugboro atọ = thrice, ugboro iri na atọ = thirteen times

Ugboro anọ = Four times, ugboro iri na anọ= Fourteen times

Ugboro ise = Five times, ugboro iri na ise = Fifteen times

Ugboro isii = Six times, ugboro iri na isii = Sixteen times

Ugboro asaa = Seven times, Ugboro iri na asaa= Seventeen times

Ugboro asatọ = Eight times, Ugboro iri na asatọ = Eighteen times

Ugboro itolu = Nine times, Ugboro iri na itolu= Nineteen times

Ugboro iri = Ten times, Ugboro iri abụọ= Twenty times

Frequency indicates the number of times something occurs. We use this by simply putting the word “ugboro” before the number.
Note : For “once” or “one time,” the number comes before the frequency and reverses for the rest.


Lesson Exercise