Human Body Parts ߡߐ߬ߞߐ ߝߊ߬ߙߌ ߦߙߐ ߎ߬

Teaching the human body parts

This introduces the names of human body parts as well as the names of some deseases

Lesson Vocabulary

Lesson Vocabulary

/ ߥߟߊ߫ ߘߛߌ ߛߌߛߌ Chest
ߓߊ߬ߙߊ umbilical
ߓߟߏߞߟߊ Forearm
ߓߟߏߡߍ߲ߛߍ߲ Fingers
ߕߊ߲ߓߊߞߙߎ Ankle
ߕߎ߬ߞߎ biceps
ߕߏ߲ߕߏߟߌ߲ Heel
ߕߞߍ Hand
ߖߊ߲߭ Sex
ߘߍ߬ߛߍ Calf
ߛߋ߲߬ߕߍ߮ Sole
ߛߋ߲߬ߝߘߍ Foot
ߛߋ߲߬ߡߍ߲ߛߍ߲ Toes
ߛߌ߲ Breast
ߛߏ߬ߙߏ Lower back
ߛߐ߰ߙߊ߲ Limbs
ߜߍ߬ߟߍ߲ Shin
ߜߎ߲ Trunk
ߜߘߌ Butts
ߞߊ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߞߎ߲ Shoulder
ߞߊ߲ Neck
ߞߎ߲ߓߋߙߋ߲ߞߙߎ Knee
ߞߎ߲߭ Head
ߞߐ Back of knee
ߞߐ Back
ߞߓߊ߬ߞߙߐ߬ߟߊ Armpit
ߞߣߐ Stomach
ߣߊ߬ߞߊ Lower stomach
ߣߊ߬ߡߊߙߌ Back of knee
ߣߐ߲߬ߞߐ߲߬ߞߘߎ Elbow
ߥߘߏ Thigh

Lesson Conversation:

ߊ_ ߒ ߕߋߙߌ߫ ߌ ߣߌ߫ ߗߋ߫ A. Hello my friend
ߋ- ߒ߬ߓߊ߫ ߌ ߣߌ߫ ߗߋ߫، ߌ ߞߊ߫ ߞߍ߲ߘߍ߫ B. Hello my friend, how are you?
ߊ- ߕߣߊ߬ ߛߌ߫ ߕߍ߫ A. Fine thanks. And you?
ߊ_ ߒߠߋ ߡߊ߲߫ ߞߍ߲ߘߍ߫ ߘߋ߬، ߥߊ߬ ߒ ߡߊ߫ ߛߎ߬ߣߐ߰ ߛߎ ߘߐ߫ B. I don’t feel good and I did not sleep last.
ߋ_ ߡߎ߲߬ ߘߐ߫ ߕߋ߲߬؟ A. Why so?
ߋ- ߋ- ߌ ߕߊ߯ ߙߊ߫ ߘߊ߲ߘߊߛߏ ߟߊ߫؟ A. Did you go to hospital?
ߊ- ߊ߬ߦߌ߫߸ ߒ ߕߎ߲߬ ߓߍ߫ ߋ ߟߋ߫ ߞߐ߬ߣߐ߲߫ ߞߊ߬ ߕߊ߯ ߣߌ߫ ߒ ߦߋ߫ B. No, I was waiting for you to take me there
ߋ- ߌ ߦߋ߫ ߝߣߐ߫ ߟߊ߫؟ A. Do you throw up?
ߊ- ߊ߬ߥߐ߫ Yes I do.
ߋ- ߌ ߦߋ߫ ߡߎ߲߬ ߘߎ߲߯߸ ߣߴߏ߬ ߦߴߊ߬ ߓߟߵߌ ߟߊ߫؟ A. Did you eat anything that caused it?
ߊ- ߒ ߧߋ߫ ߞߌߣߌ߲ ߘߐߙߐ߲߫ ߠߋ߬ ߘߎ߲߯߸ ߌߞߏ߫ ߒ ߘߋ߬ߙߌ߬ߞߏ B. No, I only ate rice as usual.
ߋ- ߊ߬ ߣߌ߫ ߞߣߐߓߏߙߌ ߟߋ߬ ߓߍ߫ ߢߐ߲߮ ߝߍ߬؟ A. Is it accompanied by a diarrhea?
ߊ- ߊ߬ߦߌ߫߸ ߒ ߝߊ߲߭ ߞߣߐ ߖߊ߬ߣߌ߲߫ ߠߋ߬ B. No, I have a constipation instead
ߋ- ߊ߸ ߏ߬ ߟߋ ߣߐ߬ ߦߋ߫ ߞߍ߬؟ A. Oh, that is the reason then.
ߋ- ߒ ߧߴߊ߬ ߢߌߣߌ߲߫ ߠߴߌ ߝߍ߬߸ ߌ ߦߋ߫ ߞߣߐߖߊ߫ ߓߊߛߌ ߕߊ߬߸ ߦߊ߬ߣߴߊ߲ ߧߋ߫ ߕߊ߯ ߘߊ߲ߘߊߛߏ ߟߊ߫ B. I suggest you take some anti-constipation medicine before we go to hospital.
ߊ- ߒ߬ߓߊ߬߸ ߊ߬ߥߊ߬ A. Alright then. Do you have some?
ߋ- ߊ߬ ߘߏ߫ ߦߴߌ ߓߟߏ߫؟ B. Yes, I have the traditional medicine one. If it does not help, we then go to the conventional hospital.
ߋ- ߊ߬ ߝߟߍ߫ ߣߌ߲߬ A. Here it is.
ߊ- ߊ߬ߟߋ ߟߴߏ߬ ߘߌ߫ ߌ ߣߌ߫ ߗߋ߫ ߒ ߝߊ߬߹ Ok, thank you my dear!
ߋ- ߏ߬ ߡߊ߫ ߗߋ߲߫ ߓߐ߫ You're welcome!
A & B ߊ߬ ߓߍ߯ ߟߊߡߍ߲߫ Listen to the whole conversation

Lesson Monologue

Lesson Note

Lesson Exercise

    Click on the ulr and listen to the talk. Summarize it in no less than 10 sentences.

    ߓߊ߬ߙߏ ߣߌ߲߬ ߟߊߡߍ߲߫ ߌ ߞߴߊ߬ ߟߊߘߛߏ߫ ߌ ߦߙߍ߬ ߕߊ߫ ߢߊߝߐߟߌ ߘߐ߫· ߊ߬ ߞߊߣߊ߬ ߖߌ߬ߞߌ߲߬ ߞߎߡߦߊ ߕߊ߲ ߞߙߐ߫

    Read the text and watch the video in the ASK-DL website (, then answer the following: Tell me what is the topic discussed. What are the symptoms mentioned in describing the disease? What are t

    ߞߟߏߜߍ ߞߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬߸ ߌ ߞߊ߫ ߖߌ߬ߦߊ߬ߖߟߎ ߝߣߊ߫ ߡߊߝߟߍ߫ ߞߍߦߙߐ ߟߊ߫،ߌ ߞߊ߫ ߓߊ߲߫ ߞߊ߬ ߢߌ߬ߣߌ߲߬ߞߊ߬ߟߌ߫ ߣߊ߬ߕߐ ߎ߫ ߖߊ߯ߓߌ߫ ߊ- ߞߎߡߊ ߣߌ߲߬ ߓߍ߫ ߡߎ߲߬ ߞߊ߲߬؟ ߋ- ߖߊ߲߬ߞߊߙߏ ߡߊ߲߬ߞߕߎ ߘߐ߫߸ ߕߐ߬ߞߐ߬ߡߊ߬ߛߙߋ ߖߎ߬ߡߊ߲߬ ߎ߫ ߟߋ߬ ߝߐ߫ ߙߊ߫ ߌ- ߛߋ߲߬ߕߊ ߖߎ߬ߡߊ߲߬ ߎ߫ ߟߋ߬ ߝߐ߫ ߙߊ߫ ߊ߬ߟߋ߬ ߖߊ߲߬ߞߊߙߏ ߟߊ߫ ߡߐ߰ ߡߌ߬ߣߊ߬ߣߍ߲ ߎ߬ ߞߊ߫ ߞߊ߲߫ ߞߊ߬ ߡߍ߲ ߞߍ߫؟ ߍ- ߡߐ߬ߞߐ ߞߊ߫ ߞߊ߲߫ ߞߊ߬ ߡߎ߲߬ ߠߋ߬ ߞߍ߫߸ ߥߟߊߛߊ߫ ߞߵߊ߬ ߡߊߕߊ߲߬ߞߊ߫ ߥߟߊ߫ ߞߵߊ߬ ߡߟߊ߫؟

    Watch the video in the link below and write about what you think of the traditional healing.

    ߖߊ߬ߖߙߎ ߣߌ߲߬ ߟߊߖߍ߫ ߌ ߞߊ߫ ߌ ߤߊߞߟߌߣߊ߲ ߝߐ߫ ߝߙߊ߬ߝߌ߲ ߝߎߙߊߞߏ ߞߊ߲߬