Student Notes: Telling time in terms of the days of the week.

Student Notes

It should be noted that the word ‘icyumweru’ has two meanings. Firstly, icyumweru is one of the days of the week which is translated in English as Sunday. Secondly, icyumweru is a term used to mean a set of seven days of a week. The difference between the two meanings may be brought about the association of the word icyumweru with prepositions ku or mu. When ku is used with the word icyumweru,  it means ‘on Sunday’. When mu is used with the word icyumweru, then, it means within or during the week.

For example:  (1) Nzajya i Kigali ku cyumweru gitaha (I will go to Kigali next Sunday). (2) Nzajya i Kigali mu cyumweru gitaha (I will go to Kigali within next week).