Unit 4: Anndugol ko hunditidun (Environment and Basic needs)

Unit Introduction
To be able to identify your surroundings; to name objects around us; and to express basic needs

The learner should study lesson1 through lesson 3 and be able to understand some basic words and sentences in Pulaar.

Detailed Description

Lesson 4 covers the vocabulary of environment: the nouns, verbs, prepositions, interjections, places and things around us. And in grammar the student will study the three groups of verbs and expressing the simple condition.

Estimated Time
Nouns: Singular and Plural (An over view of the class system)
Places & Things.
Expressions (For basic needs)
The three groups of verbs
The three groups of verbs
Expressing the simple condition using "si"
Required Materials
Audio equipment will be needed to hear dialogues, notebook, and pen.