Unit 1: Hiwrondiral (Greetings)

Unit Introduction
Learn to greet your peers, your family, and your elders.


Detailed Description

Lesson1 covers general greetings, asking other people’s name, saying one’s name; the use of both formal and informal greetings that are based upon pertinent aspects of the culture. Some phrases for leave-taking and the use of short subject pronouns.

Estimated Time
Introduce oneself by saying his/her name and ask others for their names.
Use several expressions of greetings that are germane to the pulaar culture.
Distinguish between the formal and informal greetings.
Use several polite wishes or farewell wishes.
Use the short subject pronouns and several forms of introductory verbs such as “to be called or named”.
Discuss the literal and cultural meaning of the phrase “Si Allah jabi”.
Required Materials
Headphones/speakers, notebook, pen.