Grammar: The past tense

Grammar Points
The use of the question words and the emphatic forms with "ko"

Simple Past tense (Recent past action) I) The Affirmative form A) Group 1: (active verbs) Yahugol - mi yahii ka saare. - a yahii ka saare - o yahii ka saare - men yahii ka saare (exclusive “we”) - en yahii ka saare (inclusive “we”) - on yahii ka saare - be yahii ka saare PS: The affirmative form for the simple Past tense of active verbs is built as follows: Short Subject Pronoun (SSP) + Root+ ii B) Group 2:( reflexive verbs): Daanagol - mi daanike mojja - a daanike mojja - o daanike mojja - men daanike mojja - en daanike mojja - on daanike mojja - be daanike mojja PS: The affirmative form for the simple Past tense of the reflexive verbs is built as follows: SSP + Root + ike C) Group 3: (Passive verbs): Noddegol - mi noddaama telefon - a noddaama telefon - o noddaama telefon - men noddaama telefon - en noddaama telefon - on noddaama telefon - be noddaama telefon PS: The affirmative form for the simple Past tense of the passive verbs is built as follows: SSP + Root + aama II) The Negative Form A) Group 1: SSP + Root + aani Example: Rowani mi yahaani Jamaique B) Group 2: SSP + Root + aaki Example: Hanki jemma mi daanaaki hay seeda. C) Group 3: SSP + Root + aaka Example: Hande bimmbi men noddaaka telefon. III) The interrogative words and the use of “KO” Group1: * Mi yahii ka saare 1. Ko honto yahu-daa? - Ko ka saare mi yahi / Ko ka saare yah – mi. 2. Ko honde tuma yahu mi ka saare? - Ko hanki yahu – daa ka saare. 3. Ko honto Umaar yahi hanki? - Ko ka saare O yahi hanki. 4. Ko honto yahu – don hanki? - ko ka saare men yahi hanki. 5. Ko honto yahu – den hanki? - ko ka saare yahu – den hanki 6. ko honto men yahi hanki? - Ko ka saare yahu – don hanki 7. Ko honto be yahi hanki? -Ko ka saare be yahi hanki Rule: When we use the question words the answer should be introduced by “ko”. In both situations the subject is post posed (the subject comes after the verbs), except for “O”, “MEN”, and “Be”. In some areas, “mi” is not post posed. Also, note that the pronunciation of the vowel at the end of the verb is short (one “I”). When the subject post poned starts with a vowel, we should add a “d” between the verb and the subject; the subject “a” is doubled because we put a stress on it. * Question Word (QW) / KO + Root + U + MI, A, EN, ON * QW / KO + Mi, O, MEN, BE + Root + i Group 2: • Hande bimmbi mi lootike - Ko honnde tuma looti-daa? - Ko hande bimmbi looti-mi / Ko hande bimmbi mi looti • QW / KO + Root +i + MI, A, EN, ON • QW / KO + MI, O, MEN, BE + Root + i Group 3: • Yontere fejjunde mi noddaama telefon. - Ko honde tuma nodda-daa telefon? - Ko yonterefejjunde nodda-mi telefon • QW / KO + Root + a + MI, A, EN, ON • QW / KO + MI, O, MEN, BE + Root + a The Simple past tense (Action starts and ends in the Past) I. Affirmative Form: - Group 1: (yahugol) . Hanki mi yahuno ka hiirde . Hanki a yahuno ka hiirde . Hanki o yahuno ka hiirde . Hanki en yahuno ka hiirde Hanki men yahuno ka hiirde . Hanki on yahuno ka hiirde . Hanki be yahuno ka hiirde Rule: SSP+Root+uno II. Group 2: (lootagol) . Hanki bimmbi mi lootino . Hanki bimmbi a lootino. . Hanki bimmbi o lootino. . Hanki bimmbi en lootino . Hanki bimmbi men lootino . Hanki bimmbi on lootino . Hanki bimmbi be lootino Rule: SSP+Root+ino III. Group 3: (Noddegol) . Mi noddano hanki. . A noddano hanki . O noddano hanki . En noddano hanki . Men noddano hanki . On noddano hanki . be noddano hanki Rule: SSP+Root+ano II. The Negative Form - Group 1: (R+ugol) . Hanki mi yahaano Rule: SSP+Root+aano - Group 2: (R+agol) . Hanki o lootanooki Rule: SSP+Root+anooki - Group 3: (R+egol) . Hanki a noddanooka Rule: SSP+Root+anooka III.) The use of the interrogative words and “KO” Group 1: * Mi yahuno ka hirde hanki. 1. Ko honto yahuno-daa? - Ko ka hirde mi yahuno / Ko ka hirde yahuno – mi. 2. Ko honde tuma yahuno mi ka hirde? - Ko hanki yahuno – daa ka hirde. 3. Ko honto Umaar yahuno hanki? - Ko ka hirde O yahuno hanki. 4. Ko honto yahuno – don hanki? - ko ka hirde men yahuno hanki. 5. Ko honto yahuno – den hanki? - ko ka hirde yahuno – den hanki 6. ko honto men yahuno hanki? - Ko ka hirde yahuno – don hanki 7. Ko honto be yahuno hanki? -Ko ka hirde be yahuno hanki Rule: When we use the question words the answer should be introduced by “ko”. In both situations the subject is post posed (the subject comes after the verbs), except for “O”, “MEN”, and “Be”. In some areas, “mi” is not post posed. When the subject post posed starts with a vowel, we should add a “d” between the verb and the subject (a, on, en). The subject “a” is doubled because we put a stress on it. * Question Word (QW) / KO + Root + UNO + MI, A, EN, ON (These subjects are post posed) * QW / KO + Mi, O, MEN, BE + Root + UNO Group 2: • Hande bimmbi mi lootino - Ko honnde tuma lootino-daa? - Ko hande bimmbi lootino-mi / Ko hande bimmbi mi lootino • QW / KO + Root +ino + MI, A, EN, ON (These subjects are post posed) • QW / KO + MI, O, MEN, BE + Root + ino Group 3: • Yontere fejjunde mi noddano telefon. - Ko honde tuma noddano-daa telefon? - Ko yonterefejjunde noddano-mi telefon / Ko yontere fejjunde mi noddano telefon. • QW / KO + Root + ano + MI, A, EN, ON (These subjects are post posed) • QW / KO + MI, O, MEN, BE + Root + ano

Grammar Introduction

The use of two forms of past tense.