LESSON TWENTY THREE ተረት እና ሙዚቃ The storytelling & music

LESSON TWENTY THREE ተረት እና ሙዚቃ The storytelling & music


ተረት እና ሙዚቃ

The storytelling & music

Lesson Vocabulary

Lesson Vocabulary

ቫዮሊን Violin
መሳቅ Laugh
መስማት Listening
መሸበር Panic
መደነቅ Astonishment
መፍራት Fear
ሙዚቃ Music
ማሲንቆ፤ ክራር Lute
ማስታወስ Remember
ማውራት Talking
ተረት Story
ተረት ነጋሪ Story teller
ታምቡር Tambour
ኣሮጌ ዘመን Old time
ከበሮ Drum
ዋሽንት Flute
ዘፈን Song
የሙዚቃ መሳርያ Organ
የሙዚቃ ቃና Melody
ደስታ Gladness
ድምጽ Voice

Lesson Conversation:

Mamo ማሞ:- የከበሮ ድምጽ እሰማለሁ። ምን እየተካሄደ ነው? I hear the sound of a drum, what’s happening?
Nunu ኑኑ:- በዚህ ክለብ ውስጥ የግብዣ ሙዚቃ ኣለ። there is a binge music in this club
Mamo ማሞ:- ጊታር መጫወት ትችያለሽ? can you play a guitar?
Nunu ኑኑ:- ኣልችልም፤ጓደኛየ ግን መጫወት ይችላል። no, but my friend can play
Mamo ማሞ :- የኣፍርካ ትወጃለሽ ? Do you like African music?
Nunu ኑኑ:- ኣዎ። Yes you can
Mamo ማሞ:- የህንድ ሙዚቃስ? How about Indian music?
Nunu ኑኑ:- ሴቶች አህንድ ሙዚቃ ይወዳሉ። women love Indian music
Mamo ማሞ:- የኢትዮጵያ ሙዚቃ መጫወት ትችያለሽ? Can you play Ethiopian music?
Nunu ኑኑ:- የጉራጌ ሙዚቃ እችላለሁ። I know the Gurage music
Mamo ማሞ:- በጣም ግሩም ነው። That is wonderful.

Lesson Monologue

የግል ንግግር…………………………………………………………..Monologue

ኣያቴ ሁልጊዜ ማታየምትነግረኝን ተረት እሰማ ነበር። የኣንበሳ፤ ግመልና ጅብ የመሳሰሉ እንስሳት ተረት ትነግረኝ ነበር። ያኔ እፈራ ነበር። ኣሁን ግን ፈጽሞ ኣልፈራም።

I used to listen to the stories my grandmother was telling me every night.  She was telling me stories animals such as lions, Camels and hyenas. It was scary by then since I was a child. But now I do not get scared anymore.

Lesson Note

Grammar Notes

ተረት እና ሙዚቃ The storytelling & music

ማነው የኣዕምሮ በሽተኛው?

ኣበበ በሽተኛ ሚስቱን ይዞ ወደ ሆስፒታል ሄደ። ለዶክተሩ የኣዕምሮ ህመም እንዳለባት ነገረው። ዶክተሩም ሚስትህ የኣዕምሮ ህመም እንዳለባት እንዴት ኣወቅህ? ኣለው። ኣበበ እንዲህ ኣለ “በጣም ዉድ ቤት መግዛት ትፈልጋለች።” ዶክተሩ እንዲህ ኣለ “ትልቅ ቤት መግዛት ብትፈልግ ችግሩ ምንድነው?” ኣበበ ተናደደ። “በመሃል ሌሊት ደግሞ ትዘፍናለች” ኣለ። ዶክተሩም መለሰ “ኣሁንም የቱ ላይ ነው ችግሩ?” ኣበበ ተናደደና ወጣ።


Who is crazy!

Abebe went to the Hospital with his sick wife.He told the doctor that she has a mental problem.The Doctor replied,”how do you know that your wife has a mental problem?” Abebe said “ she wants to buy an expensive house” The Doctor said “ What is the problem if she wants to buy?” Abebe was angry and said ‘ She also sings in the middle of the night”. The Doctor answered, “still where is the problem?” Abebe was upset and walked out.

መዝገበ ቃላት…………………………………Vocabularies







መጯወት ትችላለህ?

Can you play?



ምን እየሆነ ነው?

What’s happening

ኣይ፤ የለም







My friend



ትክክል ነህ

You are right

የግብዣ ሙዚቃ

Music binge

Lesson Exercise

    Answer the following questions


    ኣበበ ልምን ተናደደ?

    ኣበበ ለምን ወደ ሆስፒታል ሄደ?

    ዶክተሩና ኣበበ ምን ተባባሉ። ተወያዩ።

    የኣበበ ሚስት በሽተኛ ናት ጤነኛ?

    Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word

    ኣበበ የታመመች ሚስቱን ይዞ ወደ…………………………………….. ሄደ።

    ኣበበ ሚስቱ የ……………………………….. ህመም እንዳለባት ለዶክተሩ ነገረው።

    ዶክተሩ ለኣበበ……………………     ……………. እንዴት ኣወቅህ? ኣለው።

    ኣበበ ለዶክተሩ “ሚስቴ በ…………………… ትዘፍናለች” ኣለ።