LESSON THIRTEEN ልብስና ቀለሞች። Clothes and colors

Clothes and colors

LESSON THIRTEEN : ልብስና ቀለሞች። | Clothes and colors 

Lesson Vocabulary

Lesson Vocabulary

ሸሚዝ shirt
ልብሱ The cloth
መሄድ Going
መውሰድ Taking
ሙሉ ልብስ Suit
ሰላሳ Thirty
ሰማያዊ Blue
ሱሬ፤ ቦላሌ Trousers
ስምንት Eight
ስፋቱ The size
ቀሚስ Dress
ቀይ Red
ቆብ፤ ኬፕ። Hat
ቡና ዓይነት Brown
ቡና ዓይነት Yellow
ቬል Veil
ነጭ White
ኣሁን Now
ኣረንጓዴ Green
ካልሲ Socks
ካናቴራ T-shirt
ክራባት Tie
ኮት Coat
ውሰድ Take
ዚፕ Zippers
የትኛውን ቀለም? Which colors
ገንዘብ Money
ጉርድ ቀሚስ Frock
ግራጫ Gray
ግዛ Buy
ጓንት Gloves
ጥቁር Black
ጫማ Shoes
ፎጣ Towels

Lesson Conversation:

Nega ነጋ:- ስለ ልብስ የምትወደው ቀለም የቱ ነው? which colors do you like about clothes?
Shemsu ሸምሱ:- ኣረንጓዴ ቀለም። ኣንተስ? I like green color, and you?
Nega ነጋ:- ነጭ እና ሰማያዊ ቀለም። White and blue colors
Shemsu ሸምሱ:- ጫማ ልትገዛልኝ ትችላለህ? Can you buy me shoes?
Nega ነጋ :- ኣዎ፤ ቀለምና ቁጥሩን ልትነግረኝ ትችላለህ ? yes, can you tell me the color and the size?
Shemsu ሸምሱ:- ቀለሙ ግርጫ፤ ስፋቱ ሰላሳ ስምንት ነው። The color is gray and the size is thirty eight
Nega ነጋ:- ኣሁኑኑ እሄዳለሁ። ቻው። I will go right now, bye.
Shemsu ሸምሱ:- ገንዘብ ውሰድ። Take money
Nega ነጋ:- ገንዘቡን ስመለስ እወስዳለሁ። I will get the money when I return.

Lesson Monologue

ልብስና ቀለሞች። Clothes and colors

ስሜ ነጋሽ ነው። ሁለት ሰማያዊ ሸሚዞች እና ቆንጆ ባርኔጣ ኣogueለኝ።

ኣረንጓዴና ሰማያዊ ቀለም እወዳለሁ። ትላንትና ሰማያዊ ልብስ እና ቀይ ፎጣ ገዛሁ።

My name is Negash, I have two blue shirts and beautiful hat, I like green and blue color, I bought a blue suit and red towel yesterday. 

Lesson Note

Lesson Exercise

    Type the appropriate word under each picture


    Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word