LESSON SIXTEEN Kaartadaha iyo jihooyinka | Maps and directions

LESSON SIXTEEN Kaartadaha iyo jihooyinka Maps and directions

LESSON SIXTEEN Kaartadaha iyo jihooyinka | Maps and directions

Lesson Vocabulary

Lesson Vocabulary

Aaway? WHere/
Bangi Bank
Bangi Bank
Bari East
Bidix Left
Bidix left
Boosteejo Station
Busteejo Station
Dhex Middle
Dhinac Beside
Dhow Near
Dhow near
Dugsi School
Fog Far
Fog Far
Gadaal Behind
Galbeed West
Garoon Airport
Haa yes
Halkan Here
Halkas There
Halkee? Where
Hoos Under
Hor Ahead
Hor Ahead
Ii sheeg Tell me
Isbitaal Hospital
Jaamacad University
Jid Road
Jihadee? Which direction
Jiiro Turn
Kaddib After
Koonfur South
Kor Above
Masjid Mosque
Midig Right
Midig Right
Mutxaf Museum
Soco Go
Subermaarked Supermacket
Tagsi Taxi
Toos Straight
Toos Straight
U dhexaysa Between
Woqooyi North
Xafiis Office

Lesson Conversation:

Aadan | Adan aaway boosteejada? Where is the station bus?
Xaawo | Hawo Hor u soco kaddib midig qaad Go ahead then take right
Aadan | Adan jihadee? Which direction?
Xaawo | Hawo Waxay ka jirtaa midig It is in right side
Aadan | Adan Jidka garoonka ma ii sheegi kartaa? Can you tell me way to airport?
Xaawo | Hawo Haa, toos u soco kaddib bidix qaad Yes, go straight then take left
Aadan | Adan Halkaan bangi ma laga helaa? Is there a bank here?
Xaawo | Hawo Bangiga waa fog yahay, tagsi waa inaad qaadataa The bank is far , you must take taxi
Aadan | Adan Waa hagaag, mahadsanid Ok, thank you
Xaawo | Hawo adaa mudan You are welcome

Lesson Monologue

Maps and directions

Waxaan deganahay mee u dhow jaamacadda lafoole, gurigayga wxuu u dhexeeyaa masjidka iyo dugsiga, haddii hor aad u socoto waxaad ku arkaysaa isbitaal jiirada weyn ,aniga maalin kasta halkan ayaan bug ku akhristaa geedkan hoostiisa

am staying near Lafole University, my house is between the school and the mosque, if you walk ahead you will see I hospital in the big turn, I read book every day here under this tree.

Lesson Note

Lesson Exercise


    1- Answer these following questions

    • Aaway boosteejada?
    • Halkee u dhow boosteejada ?
    • Jidka garoonka ma ii sheegi kartaa?
    • Halkaan bangi ma laga helaa?

    2- Complete the following sentences by appropriate word

    • Hor u soco kaddib …….. qaad
    • Waxaa u …….. dugsiga
    • Waxay ka ……. midig
    • Bangiga waa …….. yahay, tagsi waa inaad qaadataa